Thursday 6 August 2015


What do you do when you deduce that something that you have experienced just now is something that you had not registered combating with before?
You struggle with some words to define your state of mind and a catchy yet sane statement to gist your experience but it constantly seems to freak you out.
Congratulations! You have reached a new challenge level in the game- Difficult.

Difficulty is faced by one and all in numerous walks of life and in zillion and one circumstances. It’s challenging for the mind to figure out the basic structure of difficulties during these circumstances.

Well, apparently, difficulties may seem as hardships or something burdensome but wait up; difficulties actually come in a brilliant camouflage.
Upon meeting a difficult situation/person/thing/whatever, the first ever bling alert that goes screaming in your head is: 'I don’t know what this is'. So, it must be something to do with prior knowledge of something, makes one prepared you see.
The next yelling statement is: 'I either don't have tools to address this or I can't find the tools to address this'. So, it must be something to do with absence or access to one's capabilities.
Beyond this, there can be three types of reactions:
Category A - 'I don’t like this and I don’t wanna do this'
Category B - 'I think I know just about a bit about this, let me try and start with that'
Category C - '----------------------'

Evidently, C is overwhelmed beyond the point of recovery. While A has clearly made his choice to jump off the trail, wherever the landing may be, in thin air or strong ground; B has decided to hold on, largely based on the truth/illusion that he's got a clue.

What all of them miss to spot is something what the camouflage of difficulty is made of. Let’s talk through this.
You’d agree that it's the time that makes something more difficult and something else not.
And you’d agree that trying times are merely difficult things happening constantly one after another. This statement is absolutely kiddish but think about it. What if I say, its time alone that makes a thing difficult? And what if you change the time itself?

Well, changing time may be distant but changing your sense of that time might be possible.
Sense of time depends pretty much on how you comprehend about the world around with your senses.
Your senses are directed also by your disposition and when you temporarily shift your disposition; you are actually able to shift time.

What we talked through is actually the decoding of difficulty.
When one is able to shift time, one is able to change disposition and in turn change senses and have a true perception about the world around and in turn finds that something difficult is actually manageable or easy!

By design, we have within us the inherent capacity to aptly respond to every situation, so a difficulty can then be reduced to reassurance camouflaged with time!
Reassurance that the tools to respond with are accessible within you and are operational.

That’s exactly what a child does...he is so reassured by just a pat from his mother that he loses the sense of difficulties even during utterly trying times of hunger, pain, loneliness, despair and fear.
The feeling of being absolutely grounded in someone triggers such a reassurance in him that he is just not bothered about the time and is able to tackle his difficulty better.

Don't believe it? Try remembering the number of times you used the word 'difficult' when you felt reassured constantly.
What does your reassurance look like…Self confidence? Spirituality? Religion? Fame? Family? Spouse? Friends? Entertainment? Vindication? Passion? Something that you haven’t figured out?

The closest you are to the truest and most lasting and bearing entity, the closest you are to reassurance.


Chiranjib Mazumdar said...

:) Difficult topic indeed!
Well, let me try to define something opposite -"easy". Easy may seem like the perfect antonym of "difficult", right? How do you define: "easy"... something you know the solution of... Then "difficult" would probably be something you don't know the solution of... and yeah, you may define in other ways as well, am just trying to focus on one way. So, you seem to say that in "difficult" circumstances, we take the help of a "prop" to assure ourselves that we will be through. Well, this is true. We do that. Whether or not that is the best way remains to be seen. I'll give you an example - You are sad one day. You go to a movie, get wholesome entertainment and be back. After you are back, you lie down and try to sleep. You cannot. Why? The reason is - The interim ecstasy you felt is now gone. So whatever was providing you with the boost ceases to remain. So, I would say, the best way to face difficulty is nurturing "Acceptance". Accept the situation. Accept that it is a tough time. Accept that this too shall be over some day. "Re-assurance" definitely helps in the right direction! I personally think of it like a card game. You start playing a card game, you get a pack of cards and you play the best you can with the cards you have. In life there is no winner, no loser. A winner is not someone who won the card game, a winner is someone who made the most with the cards he had and played the best!

Sorry, did not mean to write so much. But I think good post stimulates people to think and comment. Keep at it. :)

juisoultalk said...

Spot on! Loved the examples and your train of thoughts! Write on...