Tuesday 18 August 2015


"3000 dollars!"...demanded the girl...and the deal was settled. Mr Edward Lewis gave away that amount in lieu of a few days company of Vivian and no one who had ever watched the movie Pretty Woman could forget her excitement and radiant face!
Wo, wait up, this ain't a movie review, nay, not a 101 version of a Strike a Deal course.

The amount that seemed trivial to one was almost the deal of a lifetime for the other .
Again, I am not re-establishing that the value of papers printed with the faces of our national leaders and historical monuments are different to different people.
What's freaking is that the same equation remains true for all the spheres of one's being!
The transactions and the rules in the monetary world are similar to the ones in the physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, spiritual world and anywhere else you look around. And I encourage you to try and discover/rediscover the analogies.
We have the filthy rich amongst us, the hard working rich, we have the survivors, the costcutters, the bankrupts, the ones who are below the poverty line and so on and so forth.
More plainly said, we have people who have been pampered emotionally and thus live on a high always, we have people who had lost some and gained some and have understood the trick to be emotionally rich, are investing in the right places and are quadrupling their returns manifold. We have people who spend emotions way much more than they can ever earn and end up pretty much surviving the borderline of depression and serious emotional and mental issues everyday, somehow; we have people who are so weary saving and cost cutting that they don't spend any emotion at all. We have people who had a lot emotionally but had lost it all due to a bad deal or bad housekeeping and of course we have those who are completely at mercy of someone else to be fed emotionally!

But how is all this so similar and can a general answer be found for problems across multiple spheres?
You could say, it's all about resource sharing and since that's unequal, the matters lead to transactions and some end up rich and some poor. You could try and set rules/organisations/policies, trigger and popularise ideas based on socialism, capitalism, bureaucratism and what not. Speaking of which,can't the extended version of feminism be likened to emotional bureaucratism? If there's fight for equality, it should be for equality amongst all, not whites vs blacks or men vs women. The most referred yet non existent entities in these fights ultimately are colours and body parts. I mean, come on...I won't start having rainbow coloured periods (meaning quite an excited and exotic imagery of an imaginary high end status) if I establish that I am equal dimensioned as a man! And if someone doesn't understand the simple facts of equality, that doesn't err...let's spare the example. I mean,I will be just what I am inherently, not less, not more.
Well, coming back, the question is, how do we become rich or how do we become poor? More so, can we 'become' as in turn rich or poor or is it a certain quality in us that propels us either to wealth or to poverty?(or maybe the absence of it doesn't propel us at all, so we remain stagnant at one place!)
What if there's a DIY version of this quality available, ready to be assembled?
It's plain and simple emulation after that. But what/who will you emulate?
What/who is truly rich, truly generates infinitely over and beyond what he gives away, spends without a budget and yet without an iota of regret?
Smell a treasure hunt? I'd bet when you get the treasure, you'd wanna buy it with all you have coz you'd know it'd propel you towards all kinds of richness! Rise and shine alchemists!


Chiranjib Mazumdar said...

You have juggled on a few factors although mutually linked. Amazed at the depth of thought put in, not that I did not know you had that quality always. Frankly (and sadly, we perceive) life is all about deals. (Wrong. Life should be about creating beautiful experiences for others.) Each one of us is trying to get a great deal in everything, not just monetory. Unfortunately that serves little to uplift and purify the soul. By the time, we understand the folly it is too late. Thats the nature of human beings for you. I do not know if you believe in re-incarnation. I do. I believe, we will keep coming back till we can perfect the art of living.

juisoultalk said...

The fact that you appreciate the point of view from exactly the same point where I wrote it from is a delight altogether! It's almost like a genuine conversation well held!
U strike a marvellous point when you say, we oughta look for making beautiful experiences! Ever noticed, how in sync the raging wind seems with a soaring flood or even the soothing west wind with a orange and mauve sunset. They play well and truly together! And that's what we used to do when young, play well, play fair,play without a deal,play knowing the pleasure of only playing.
And yes, I do believe in 'a form of reincarnation' only I believe that you can be born again in this birth :-). Not entering the fertilisation cycle as we know it...it's different. Not mystic at all, very plain indeed, maybe that's why it eludes our eyes