Friday, 3 June 2016

In search of a fountain....


There's a big blue fountain on the other side of the village where by the side of a good old oak tree, under a thatched roof and brown doored hut, lives a breathing story. Well, somethings are better imagined than seen physically. Like a breathing story or a dragon with a pigeon's head or a big blue fountain springing right from the centre of your heart!! Come touch the waters...

I remember him. The callously intelligent architect with a riotous orange mane, as distinct as his construction designs. 
With Howard Roark, Ayn Rand established the rise of man and his capabilities well in the popular work of fiction, The Fountainhead. 
Nay, this post is neither to discover the meat of the book nor to explore the brain muscles of the writer. I rather intend to explore an open heart surgery. Don't freak out ya, it's just a humble attempt to hypothesise the possibilities of a Fountain Heart!

The fountain head sprang up with ideas regardless of the exploitations, malpractices and constant leeching around. 
Can a heart spring up with generosity and empathy despite of the constant rudeness and manipulation around? Can it spring up to goodwill and courage regardless of the cowardice around that's indicative of normalcy and sane logic in our world?Can it stick to its courage without beating it's chest in declaration of its own? 

What inspires a fountain though? Strength? Wealth? Knowledge?Potential?
The natural fountains indeed spring up from the seemingly unending potential of water. Or so I recollect from the distant memories of torturous geography lessons(torturous because our geography teacher, apparently was of the opinion that drinking water in the class hampers a pupil's focus, outright strange right?!!). 
But you ain't call it a fountain if the water doesn't gush out from the source with all it's strength, else you merely call it a stream.
Lost? Lemme shriek in my very own Indian tone, "No no no (kindly note that repetition of agreement/disagreement is as important as the morning release to us Indians!!), we are certainly not digressing into a geography lesson! Please keep your calm."

But strength being relative, how do you conclude that something or someone is stronger than whatever?There must be a degree or grade of this strength that increases or decreases from time to time, thus making a fountain either strong or weak or stream!
Now, the perennial fountain must have its source deep down, much beneath the surface. So, apparently, the more one has the ability to rise up,the more will he know what it will take to reach the other side and stoop down.  
The more vulnerable someone is, the more power will he know. 
And only the gentle will ever know the true meaning of strength!
Well, knowing and exercising that knowledge, is separated only by right moments and courage.

'Tis quite funny how it seems like an idea very absurd and contradictory to what we usually see in and know of ordinary circumstances. But there are exceptions. 
And what an absolute delight it's to find a fountain heart around in a place where people resembling fuming Godzillas are considered to be strong!!
You are awestruck by their gentleness when you know their strength.
You are humbled by their striving to spill good beans, when you know their authority.
And most certainly, you know it when you meet one.

A fountain heart. Have you spotted one till now? Well, I've been lucky enough to find a couple of them in corners I had never expected!!